Quick kid stories: As soon as we got out of the airport in Pemba (which is now housed in an white event tent as they are demolishing the old terminal and I'm assuming building a new one.) Luciana and Asher found a hole of dirt and had both laid in it and covered themselves in dirt before I had a chance to stop them. I would have been faster, but my hands were full of Superman backpacks, 3 carry-on suitcases and a purse jam packed with Starbucks and baby wipes. And for Judah - he had been hesitant about coming back to Moz, but when I told him a new family moved into the house right behind ours and that they have 5 boys, he was excited to meet them. Our first morning back, Judah came into our room - bright and early already dressed - and asked if he could go play with the boys. It didn't take them long to organize the Olympics. I'm told Judah placed 2nd in gymnastics.
I'm a little hesitant to say that this time will be easier/better than our first round, but there hasn't been water since we arrived and so far I haven't threatened to hurt myself or anyone else. I think I have an expanded capacity for what I can handle... I'd like to think that the ceiling I built from September to March is my floor for the next 6 months. Check back in in August when we haven't had water for 2 and 1/2 months and see how positive I sound then.
Anyway, I wanted to make sure I got in a quick post just to say we're safe and we're sweaty. In other words: perfect.